“Whether it’s your personal life or different work situations, for me in a sporting sense; we face stressful situations or situations where we’re out of our comfort zone all the time. If you can sort of bring yourself back into a state where you’re operating more freely and thinking clearly you’re going to make better decisions and enjoy the journey more as well.”
Achieving peak performance through an integrated approach to training.

Integrated training is all about identifying where you have imbalances in specific body systems that are often overlooked in traditional training methods.
We view the human body as it is; an integration of body systems. When there is an imbalance in one system, it has a ripple on effect onto all of the others. Therefore, our approach is to view human performance as the balance and optimisation of all of these key body systems. Two of these systems which are often the least trained are the respiratory and nervous systems. As it turns out, these are essential when it comes to remaining calm, clear and focused under stress and pressure.
Integrated Training combines movement, breath-work, recovery, and mental resilience to super-charge performance and health. All wrapped in an environment that inspires and challenges you to thrive, not only in competitive environments, but in everyday life.